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Based on weighted criteria below
Pricing icon

Pricing (weighted 12%)


Free - WordPress is free. That's right. Free. You can download it and modify it as much as you want. It is free and open source.

Keep in mind you will have to pay for hosting, but that should only run you less than five dollars a month for a good hosting company.

WordPress will be much cheaper than Wix.



Free - There is a free plan that gives you limited bandwitdth  (500MB) and storage space, and will also give you a screwed up URL that is a subdomain of Wix.

Connect Domain:

$4.50/month - This will bump your bandwidth up to 1GB plus 500MB of storage and also gives you the option to connect a custom domain, but it still displays Wix ads. This plan is not much of an improvement over the free plan.


$8.50/month - With this plan you get a free domain for one year and the bandwidth is bumped up to 2GB with 3GB of storage. This is the first plan that is actually useful, but it is slightly more expensive than some competitors.


$12.50/month - This plan gives you unlimited bandwidth and 10GB of storage. They also throw in one year of a domain and one year of a mailbox attached to the site.


$16.50/month - This plan brings the bandwidth back down to 10GB, but lets you have an online store.


$24.50/month - This gives you access to some premium support options and gives you unlimited bandwidth.

These prices are a bit more than I would be willing to pay for Wix. The free website is hardly even worth it, and the cheapest plan is a joke. Their only usable plan is also more expensive than the competition. WordPress will give you a lot more than Wix will give you.

Design icon

Design (weighted 12%)


There are thousands upon thousands of WordPress themes, both free and paid, all over the web.

WordPress does not have a drag and drop editor like Wix, but in this instance that doesn't really matter. Wix is so useless that WordPress blows it out of the water.

WordPress is also much easier to use. Even without the drag and drop editor, finding and adapting a theme to your purposes is much easier than wrestling with Wix's shoddy editor.




The editor is very unresponsive and laggy. Design elements get stuck and then move all at once, and the menus themselves even seem to lag.

The rather infuriating bubbly animation that comes up as the editor is loading only exacerbates the issue. I can see that the editor is very fully featured, but the unresponsiveness renders it useless. WordPress blows Wix away, even with Wix's drag and drop editor.

Wix does have pretty nice templates, but editing them is not worth the headache.

Frontend Features icon

Frontend Features (weighted 12%)


Your WordPress site frontend will vary greatly depending on what kind of theme you have. There are many different kinds of WordPress sites. They range from simple blogs to very fully featured websites that cost quite a bit.

There are an awful lot of good free options, so you don't necessarily have to pay to get a fully featured website in WordPress, though it will help.

This variability makes it hard to compare the two. WordPress just has so many more options than Wix.



The websites look good once you get them up and running. Also the mobile preview is very nice, and you can edit the mobile site separately from the desktop site. The mobile editor is much better and more responsive than the desktop editor.

You can put a lot of stuff in the websites. Embedded videos and suchlike. Once they are up, the websites don't suffer from the same kind of laggy behavior as the editor. In fact, they look rather good and work rather well.

Backend Featuers icon

Backend Featuers (weighted 12%)


Soley based on ease of use WordPress blows Wix out of the water. It does not lag or otherwise offend.

The WordPress backend will morph to fit your needs. At its most basic it provides a very stable blogging platform that will be more than enough for personal websites.

At its most complex, WordPress is a dashboard from which you can manage every aspect of your website. WordPress has a huge range of things that it can do.

The nice thing about WordPress' interface is that you can create new pages and content quickly and easily right from the backend. Other website builders require a lot of design work. With WordPress, creating a new page only takes a few clicks.


The backend is plagued by many of the same issues as the editor. The link for the dashboard is hidden in a menu. The dashboard has the same lag that the menus in the editor experience. This is deeply unfortunate because it makes what could be a great product almost unusable.

That said, the dashboard has a lot of options. Wix even tires to implement a newsletter tool. Obviously this is not as fully featured as an email marketing app would be, but the process is quick and easy. The design leaves a little bit to be desired.

Overall, the Wix backend is a bit of a mess, but if you have the patience to deal with it you will be rewarded by a wealth of features.



Hosting & Security icon

Hosting & Security (weighted 12%)


You’ll have to purchase your own hosting. WordPress only supplies you the software to make your website. They don’t put it on the web for you as well.

WordPress can be vulnerable to outside attack. They are an old and very popular platform, so they get a lot of attention from internet outlaws.

I suppose Wix wins here, but WordPress has a good excuse for not offering hosting.


Wix gives you bandwidth ranging from 500MB to unlimited depending on what plan you get. The hosting is all internal.

Wix's hosting features are a little confusing, as you can see by their pricing plans.

Wix actually has employees who deal with security for them. Since they have actual security experts working for them, and because they are not as large as WordPress, Wix is pretty secure right out of the box.

Reports & Statistics icon

Reports & Statistics (weighted 12%)


You will have to use third party integrations to get any statistics in WordPress. Unlike Wix, they at least have an excuse.

There are a bunch of free add-ons that will give WordPress a fully featured statistics dashboard.



Wix only supports integration with third party statistical tools. They don’t have any statistics of their own to display. This is disappointing. They clearly have the means to implement at least some basic statistics.

The lack of a statistics page seems like a major oversight, but they do let users put Google Analytics in their dashboard.


Extensibility icon

Extensibility (weighted 12%)


There are tens of thousands of third party apps and plug-ins for WordPress. They blow away any of the competition with their integrations.

Wix is the closest competitor in terms of integrations and they only have 250.

WordPress add-ons are much more useful than anything in the Wix app store. The add-ons can fundamentally change how your website works, and are key parts of designing your WordPress website.


They have an app market with over 250 apps. This is a very large app market. The only one bigger is WordPress.

This is where Wix shines. They have an enormous number of integrations, including favorites like eCommerce, social media, and email marketing.

They don't quite beat WordPress though.

Support icon

Support (weighted 12%)


WordPress doesn't offer phone or email support, but they do have extensive support forums. Also, WordPress is so widely used that there are a great many sites that will help you with whatever problem you may have.

There are even blogs and websites that are completely dedicated to helping inexperienced WordPressers get their sites up and running.


Wix really doesn’t have support. They don’t have a live chat or phone line.

They do have an FAQ, and knowledge base, and a support forum. They are pretty quick when responding to the support form, but that doesn't make up for not being able to talk to a human in real time.

There is no real excuse for Wix to have this shoddy of customer support. They don't even have a live chat.