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Long story short
Web App Meister is a project by the same team behind Inspired Magazine. Our purpose is to help you find the best web apps for your business needs. Currently, we’re providing in-depth information about e-commerce software. We compare apps head-to-head on criteria such as pricing, design, marketing etc. Out of the mass of comparisons we make a ranking. You can re-order this ranking according to your specific needs by weighting the criteria.
How does it work?
We’re only tackling niches and products that we’ve been actually using for at least a few months (some for years) before reviewing and comparing them. We try to identify the common pain points of the average user and come up with the criteria we should use when comparing the apps.
All the hidden costs and small print are taken into account for each app and disclosed in comparisons. Each head-to-head comparison is individually created so we have totally different arguments when comparing Shopify vs Magento and Shopify vs Bigcommerce. We also revisit each app every month to see if there have been any changes and improvements, then adjust the rankings and comparisons accordingly.
The team

Catalin founded Mostash in March 2008, when content marketing was not yet a buzzword. He’s a huge magazine geek, and a big fan of hot jazz and sour soup. He sometimes uses the company name as an excuse to wear fake stashes.

Bogdan is a founding member of Inspired Mag, having accumulated almost 6 years of experience over this period. In his spare time he likes to study classical music and explore visual arts. He’s quite obsessed with fixies as well. He owns 5 already.

Anca is a writer and journalist with a strong weakness for old films, new theater, walking, and everything London. Currently glued to a vintage mp3 that still ‘sings’ like in the prime of its life. One day she will donate it to a museum.

Anna’s first grown-up job was in journalism, she was writing articles on economic issues. then she became a financial consultant, and after that she worked in radio, tv, and public relations. “I’m just a normal person with a few friends, who travels, watches movies and reads good books.”

Rajendra started his career as a front end developer and at some point discovered WordPress, which he fell in love with very shortly. He's been coding in WP ever since. When not coding, you can find him watching old bollywood movies, reading or eating.

Daniel is graphic designer and illustrator who's particularly crazy about little details. He started to illustrate when he was a child and his passion for the graphic arts grew up with him. He studied law but the love for design and creating images defeated the law books. He's a big fan of sci-fi movies and gadgets!
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The content of these pages has been created with great diligence. For accuracy, completeness and actuality of the content we cannot assume any liability. According to § 7 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), we as service provider are responsible for own content on these pages according to the general laws. According to § 8 to § 10 we, as a service provider, are not obliged to monitor third party information transmitted or stored or to investigate circumstances indicating unlawful activity. Via filters and controls we seek to prevent or recognize and subsequently change or delete third party content that is contrary to public policy. Obligations for the removal or blocking of usage of information under general laws remain unaffected. Any liability in this respect is however only possible from the moment of actual notice of a specific infringement. Upon cognition of legal infringements we will remove these contents immediately.
Liability for links
Our offer includes links to external web sites of third parties on whose content we do not have any influence. Therefore we cannot assume any liability for these external contents. The content of the linked pages is at every time responsibility of the respective provider or operator. The linked sites have been checked for possible infringements at the time of linkage. There has been no indication of unlawful contents at the time of linkage. A permanent control of the contents of the linked sites without concrete evidence of a infringements, however, is not doable. Upon cognition of infringements we will remove such links immediately.
The site is ad-free but some of our pages contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and go ahead with a paid subscription, we’ll receive a small cut. However, all the information and comparisons are 100% unbiased, and we never promote or rank apps based on their commissions.
The first edition of this website was created in 2013 by a german company called compendii. The founders of compendii UG (haftungsbeschränkt) were funded by the German Federal Government Department for Economy with a so called EXIST Gründerstipendium and supported by the University of Freiburg and Campus Technologies Oberrhein (CTO). The project has been abandoned in 2014 by the founders, and we decided to save the URL and idea from extinction. Since then we’ve updated all comparisons and reviews so the information reflects the current features of all apps as of October 2015.